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Baxter News

BUSD logo resembling a puzzle

The Bellflower Unified School District Board of Education is asking our school community to provide feedback as they begin the process to select a new superintendent. Bellflower Unified School District is in the process of selecting a new superintendent to begin serving the district on July 1, 2025. The Board of Education highly values community input as an essential part of this process. We invite you to take a few moments to share your thoughts by answering the questions below.

Please complete the attached survey: Superintendent Search Public Input 

Student learning in the Wellness Center

School Based Wellness Centers are a powerful investment in the health and academic potential of students. They provide access to caring adults and services such as social-emotional support, mentoring, and peer-to-peer support. Wellness Centers support teachers by assisting students to thrive in the classroom and beyond!

The Wellness Center is a safe place where students can come when they are feeling strong emotions such as sadness, worry, or anxiety, or are having a tough day.

We offer them:

  • Calming Tools
  • Coping Strategies
  • Counselor Support
Students in the Cafeteria

Every month classrooms in each grade have the opportunity to earn a VIP lunch experience here at Baxter Elementary. The classroom with the best behavior in the cafeteria will have their lunch with a guest speaker. During the VIP lunch students learn about a variety of different career paths and the educational requirements for the careers. Career Technical Education (CTE) teachers from BUSD and CalAPS along with other community partners speak to the students and facilitate an activity related to their career. Baxter students have learned about health careers, emergency services, fashion and merchandising, engineering, and much more!

6th Grade Camp

After years of being unable to attend the outdoor science education program due to COVID and weather restrictions, our Baxter students were able to attend the science camp this school year 

Our sixth grade students have the fantastic opportunity of exploring Science hands-on during a week-long field trip to the mountains in Angelus Oaks, CA. The Outdoor Science Education portion of their curriculum allows students to learn science outside of the regular education classroom as well as exploring the outdoors.